All tagged old white dudes

Buckle Up & Get Uncomfortable

I received an email, my first from—and I say this without disparaging trolls in general—a troll that sounded like the inside of my shower drain. He felt personally attacked because my writing referenced “some old white dude” as shorthand for “the dominant, prevailing worldview in our Western culture, which would benefit from an infusion of valuing other perspectives.” Of course, understanding that subtext would require critical reading skills, or any reading skills at all.

Eloquent as a Brick

A friend recently shared her summary of the writings of some old white dude with some old white-dude name. He posits, in a totally old-white-dude way, that animals cannot have thoughts because they do not have words to think them. I posit, respectfully, that he is an idiot. As evidence to support my claim, I point to Legos.